
Research Studies

Results of Some Scientific Studies of Rice Bran Oil Conducted In India & abroad
Human trials conducted by the National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad have confirmed significant reduction in total cholesterol and triglyceride levels 15 and 30 days after the use of rice bran oil (see Table below) :

Subjects Cholesterol (mg/dl) Triglycerides (mg/dl)
Experimental Group Basal 247.3 ± 10.5 349.8 ± 42.4
15 days after RBO 204.0 ± 6.6 236.5 ± 31.9
30 days after RBO 182.7 ± 8.4 212.9 ± 20.2

Animal studies coupled with the human clinical trial recently completed and published by the USA Rice Federation, have demonstrated that unsaponifiable ingredient such as oryzanol, which is unique to rice bran oil have the ability to reduce blood cholesterol levels up to 40 percent. In these studies rice bran oil actually demonstrated lowering of LDL cholesterol levels significantly better than the popular olive oil.

Studies conducted by the Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore indicated that 0.5% oryzanol (which is uniquely found in rice bran oil) in the diet for five weeks significantly reduced total and LDL serum cholesterol and triglycerides.

In another study at the Kobe University School of Medicine in Japan, oryzanol was fed to human subjects at the rate of 300 mg / day for three months. Significant lowering of total serum cholesterol was found to be due mainly to reduction in the LDL fraction and there was a trend for HDL to increase.

Studies conducted by Human Nutrition Res Ctr, Washington ST., have confirmed that male hamsters fed the physically refined rice bran oil showed a greater reduction in the total and LDL cholesterol than those fed coconut oil or canola oil diets.

A recent study on monkeys conducted by Dr. Nicolosi at the University of Lowell confirmed that serum cholesterol of the monkeys fed the diet containing rice bran oil was reduced by an average of 37% from that of the animals fed the diet containing a mixture of oil with a similar composite fatty acid composition.

Studies conducted in Taipei Medical University, Taiwan, have shown that Rice Bran Oil is effective in increasing insulin sensitivity in case of Type 2 Diabetes.

A latest study conducted by Japanese researchers and published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (Vol. 54, pp.1914-1920) have shown that rice bran fractions appear to have a beneficial dietary component that could lower blood pressure.